Voices, the CPHS newsletter, is published twice a year. Most issues are available here for download as PDFs.
Sorted by date, most recent first
Vol. 25, no 2, Fall 2011 – no copy, do you have one to share?
Vol. 24, no. 3, Fall/Winter 2010/2011
Vol. 23, no. 1, Winter/Spring 2009
Vol. 20, no. 2, Fall 2006 (What’s Ahead for CP: Signs, Film, See-Saw; Macomb Playground 2nd Facelift; The Great Outdoors Advice Column; Federal Law Tightens Conservation Easements; The Snake Man of Cleveland Park; New Signs for CP Historic District)
Vol. 20, no. 1, Spring/Summer 2006 (CP Annual Meeting: Tersh Boasberg Urges CP to Draft CP Guidelines and Work with Other DC Historic Districts; Thank You, Lois Orr; At Last: Tregaron Belongs to Us; Tree Care; Klingle Bridge Contractor Seeks CP Input; On The Avenues; CPHS 5th Garden Tour; Appraisal Day; New Permit Procedure DCRA)
Vol. 19, no. 2, Fall 2005 (A Look Back… and Forward: CPHS 20 years; ROMP Update: Macomb Playground; Three Cleveland Parkers Recall Historic District’s Early Days; CPHS Resolution on Traffic Study Wisconsin Ave Corridor; Historic Properties Disclosure Statements Now Part of City’s Real Estate Transactions; Tree Planting: Urban Forest Preservation Act 2002; On the Avenues; President and Mrs. Grover Cleveland and Cleveland Park: The Origins of a Neighborhood 1886; Renovations at Cleveland Park Congregational Church)
Vol. 19, no. 1, Spring 2005 (CP Cherry Tree Planting; Peirce Mill and the Bucket Brigade; Firehouse Update; Charlie Atherton Reflects on His Long Career with the U.S. Commission on Fine Arts; On the Avenues; CPHS Apartment Lobbies Tour, including Broadmoor, 3901 Connecticut Ave, Tilden Gardens, Sedgwick Gardens, Park Towers, Kennedy-Warren; Kathy Wood Preservation Award; Call Boxes)
Vol. 18, no. 2, Fall 2004 (no copy- Do you have one to share?)
Vol. 18, no. 1, Spring 2004 (HPRB to Consider Revised Tregaron Proposal; Klingle Bridge Lighting and Historic Designation; What is It? ID These Pictures!; CPHS Resolution on Development at Tregaron; Nathaniel Randolph Hollis Honored for Volunteer Efforts; CP Reminiscences; CP Fun Facts; On the Avenues; In Memoriam: Gilpin Walker & Vic Daumit)
Vol. 17, no. 2, Fall 2003 (50th Anniversary of CP Library; House and Garden Tours; Rosedale Conservancy Grounds Restoration; ARC News; CP Personalities: Leonard Rapport; Monterey Apartments Renovations; DC Historic Fire and Police Call Box Project; Historic District Signage Plans; Out and About)
Vol. 17, no. 1, Spring 2003 (Rosedale Conservancy Seek Neighborhood Input; CPHS Annual Meeting; Philip Stone Endowment; Cleveland Park Personalities: Grace and Tom Haring; New CPHS Website; CPHS Resolutions on NCRC & Klingle Road; Cleveland Park Club 80th; Tree Preservation; On the Avenue)
Vol. 16, no. 2, Fall 2002 (Neighborhood Purchase of Rosedale; ARC hears NCRC Presentation; Washington School of Ballet: Profile Mary Day; On the Avenues; Tregaron: A Magical Place: Review)
Vol. 16, no. 1, Spring 2002 (Historic Rosedale Landscape; Outreach News; ARC News; Expedited Review Building Permits)
Vol. 15, no. 2, Fall 2001 (CPHS Opposes Subdivision at Tregaron; Historical Marker Program; News from Outreach; Meet CPHS’s Historic Preservation Officer; Third Voices Quiz; ARC News; )
Vol. 15, no. 1, Spring 2001 (CPHS Pursues Protection of Historic Sites, Supports Preservation Enforcement; News from Outreach; Get Your House Date; Melvin Hazen Trail and Peirce Mill; News of ARC; College Trust Fund in Memory of Kenneth Moore)
Vol. 14, no. 2, Fall 2000 (Historic Rosedale for Sale: CPHS Will Defend Neighborhood Treasure; Klingle Valley Bridge History; ARC News)
Vol. 14, no. 1, Spring 2000 (The Historical Society at 15: Activism and Advocacy Protect Our Neighborhood; Second Annual Garden Tour; News from Outreach; National Child Research Center Turns 72; Tree Planting; ARC News)
The Earliest Voices
The earliest issues of our newsletter offer a treasure trove of information as well as a snapshot of the issues that motivated the creation of the Cleveland Park Historic District a generation ago. The issues from 1987-88 include a series of articles by Tersh Boasberg on the Connecticut Avenue commercial district zoning overlay and articles by Kathy Wood on architectural features of the historic district, as well as profiles of neighbors and beloved local shopkeepers.
Vol. 13, no. 2, Fall 1999 (Macomb Playground Romp; On the Avenues; Conservation Easement; CPHS Archive of Local History; City Appoints First Preservation Inspector; News of ARC)
Vol 13, no. 1, Spring 1999 (Research on Tregaron Grounds; Macomb Playground; Garden Tour; Athletic Facility at National Cathedral School; ANC Carolyn Gutowski; CPHS Notecards and Style Guide; Philip Stone Bequest; 1999 National Preservation Conference)
Vol. 12, no. 2, Fall 1998 (Macomb Playground; On the Avenues;Vic Daumit Dance Studios)
Vol. 12, no. 1, Spring 1998 (Historical Society Commits $10,000 to Fight Overdevelopment at Tregaron; Cleveland Park Citizens Association; Business News; Test Your Architectural Acumen; Cleveland Park Sports)
Vol. 11, no. 2, Fall 1997 (Macomb Playground; National Trust Honors CP Renovation 3322 Newark Street; Juanita Peterson; Tregaron Development; On the Avenues: Restaurants & Shops; CPHS Lectures; 2926 Newark and 3602 Newark Renovations; Answers to Voices Quiz)
Vol. 11, no. 1, Spring 1997 (Macomb Playground; Trees; Adas Israel Congregation; Parcel Plus; Understanding ARC; First Ever VOICES Quiz)
Vol. 10, no. 2, Fall 1996 (CPHS ROMP; Style Guide Funded; House Tour Highlights; Neighborhood Shopkeepers: G.C. Murphy Co.; CP Personalities: Jim O’Donnell; Post Office Transformed; John Eaton School)
Vol. 10, no. 1, Spring 1996 (New Initiatives for CPHS; Neighborhood Shopkeepers: Brookville Supermarket; CP Personalities: Stephen Koczak: Activist; CPHS ARC; Dick Jorgenson; Sam Friedman; Preservation Awards; CP Church)
Vol 9, no. 2, Fall 1995 (New CPHS President; Eleni Constantine Bows Out as President; CP Personalities: Dorothy Goodman: Reforming D.C.’s Schools; Neighborhood Shopkeepers: Abdows and Friendship Flower Shop; Architectural Corner: Romantic Modern; CP Club is 73)
Vol. 9, no. 1, Spring 1995 (DC Budget Cuts Affect CP; Neighborhood Shopkeepers: Tropea Barber Shop; CP Personalities: Monnie Peters; CP Library Could Close; Architectural Corner: Classic Modern; CP After School Program)
Vol 8, no. 2, Fall 1994 (Connecticut Ave. Shopping Area Spruced Up; Preservation Resources; CP Personalities: Gilpin C. Walker; Neighborhood Shopkeepers: Janie Hulme and the CP Bookshop; Architectural Corner: Semi-detached; Macomb Street Playground)
Vol. 8, no. 1, Spring 1994 (CP Plantings; CP Personalities: Erika Oliver; Bobby Abbo and Roma Restaurant; Architectural Corner: Bungalow; The Uptown Theatre; Starbucks’ Renovations)
Vol 7, no. 2, Fall 1993 (CPHS Forges Partnerships in CP: CP Main Street Project; CP Personalities: Kathryn Schneider Smith; Where CP Voices are Heard; Neighborhood Shopkeepers: Priscilla Doyle of Encore; Architectural Corner: Dutch Colonial Revival; Engine Co. 28)
Vol. 7, no. 1, Spring 1993 (CPHS Works in Our Neighborhood: Main Street Project, Streetscape, Tree Planting; CP Personalities: Judy Hubbard Saul and Susan HornBostel; Neighborhood Shopkeepers: Weinsteins of Cleveland Park Valet; Architectural Corner: Thatched Cottage; Howard Uni President to Speak; CP Building Permit Review Process)
Vol 6, no. 2, Fall 1992 (Main Street Trees; Zoning; CP Personalities: Rives Carroll; ARC Update; Neighborhood Shopkeepers: Pam Green of the Kellogg Collection; Architectural Corner: Georgian Colonial Revival; Affordable Housing; Sitting on the Porch Poem)
Vol. 6, no. 1, Spring 1992 (CPHS New President Outlines Future; CP Personalities: Kathy Wood; ARC and Building Permits Process; Neighborhood Shopkeepers: Rob Landis of Artmaster Printers; Architectural Corner: Freeform Colonial Revival; Tree Planting)
Vol 5, no. 2, Fall 1991 (Jemal Park and Shop: Preservation Success; Rezoning Success on Wisconsin; Neighborhood Shopkeepers: Tom Sullivan and his Toy Store; A Walk on Wisconsin; Architectural Corner: Tudor Revival; CP Personalities: Wilma Wood Pechacek)
Vol. 5, no. 1, Spring 1991 (Jemal Park and Shop Opens Fall; Connecticut Ave. Revitalization; Neighborhood Shopkeepers: Suprabha Schecter of Transcendence-Perfection-Bliss of the Beyond; CPHS Annual Meeting; Bicentennial DC; Wisconsin Ave Re-Zoning; Libby Rowe: In Memoriam; Tastes and Sounds on Connecticut Ave.; Architectural Corner: Sherman Cottage; CP Personalities: Persis Joan Herold)
Vol 4, no. 2, Fall 1990 (CPHS Busy on Many Fronts: Membership Decals; Lecture Series; Coordinator; Trees; ARC; Park and Shop; Connecticut Ave. Revitalization; CP Personalities: Lawrence Gichner; Shoppers Delight on Connecticut Ave.; Foursquare Style Architecture; Living in a Historic District: Two Views; Cleveland Park Book Shop; Neighborhood Shopkeepers: Hal Lake of the Zebra Room)
Vol. 4, no. 1, Spring 1990 (Building Permit Guide with Illustration; Park and Shop; Architectural Corner: Queen Anne Style; CP Personalities: Celia Faulkner Clevenger; Save Our Trees; Neighborhood Shopkeepers: Val and Blanca Calcagno of Vace; Simeon’s Bookshop; Tilford Dudley In Memoriam)
Vol 3, no. 2, Fall 1989 (New CPHS President; CP Personalities: Tersh Boasberg; CPHS Architectural Review at Age Two; In Memoriam: Frances Swift Diem; Tree Troubles)
Vol. 3, no. 1, Spring 1989 (CPHS Looks Ahead: ARC, Park and Shop, Gypsy Moth; John Eaton Student Architects; Neighborhood Shopkeepers: John Hatton of Caliope; CP Personalities: Philip Stone)
Vol. 2, no. 2, Fall 1988 (Zoning report; Bungalows in Cleveland Park; profile of Susan Shreve; and “An Apartment Dweller’s Perspective”)
Vol. 2, no. 1, Spring 1988 (Further zoning reports; profiles of the new Brookville market, Jim Nathanson, and the owners of the University Pastry Shop; an architectural history of Twin Oaks)
Vol. 1, no. 2, Fall 1987, pp. 1-4 and pp. 5-8 (First report on commercial rezoning; the replacement of the Connecticut Avenue Safeway; profiles of Libby Rowe, Safeway manager Wally Valentini, and the Modern Shoe Shop; rope designs on Cleveland Park houses)
Vol. 1, no. 1, Spring 1987 (Reports on the submission of our National Register nomination; profiles of the deKuns and Tilford Dudley; Palladian windows in Cleveland Park; formation of the Architectural Review Committee)
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